
Careers Portfolio Complies to Manage the Growth


  • Unit No: NA
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3195
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: NA
  • Downloads: 1902
Question :

This assessment will cover:

  • Make a Curriculum vitae and application form.
Answer :



Respected Sir,

I am applying for the position of Graduate Research Executive within Ipsos MORI about which I get to know through the advertisement posted over its official website on 10 November 2018. My attraction toward this job remains because this is my interest area and I posses the ability to deal with the responsibility that the Ipsos MORI offer under the Graduate Research Executive. In order to become successful within the area of research, a person must be good at analytical and critical thinking skills so that they can develop better understanding regarding the presented data and represent it in a manner that project become successful.; I personally believe that I posses these abilities as while performing a project I use to determine pros and cons of each fact or claims that are being performed over a particular information so that it must be presented in more authenticated manner. This support in performing an in-depth investigation over the particular area of study by consider both positive and negative side of particular information presented. This shows my capability of critically thinking and evaluating the information which is consider to be the core of any investigation. I also remains a person who maintained an experience of maintaining healthy relationship with my seniors, peers, teachers, executives etc. which state that I firmly believe that I am eligible for the Graduate Research Executive position.

The execution of research is my interest area which support me in performing the investigation in more reliable manner. Despite of this I enjoy performing interpretation of data gathered and then presenting the conclusion for determining the actually output of study. I also posses good interest in statistical solutions in term of bar graph, line diagram, frequency polygon, histogram etc. During my education in college I was quite active in performing projects that are related with marketing as well as research; where I make use of my observational capabilities and analytical skills that support me in performing my work in most effective manner and achieve good grades. In addition to this while working as a data entry manger I came to know about several methods that are used for analysing the information and evaluating them to determine the result. Throughout this tenure several tasks was assigned to me where I have to arrange the data in systematic manner and combined it to reach up to a result. For performing these tasks I make use of my technical as well as researcher skills and when I deliver the presentation I get appreciation from authority for my hard work and in-depth understanding. Therefore, I poses much interest within the vacant position within; Ipsos MORI as I believe that my academics and personal skills are enough to support in fulfilling the responsibility for the; job position of Graduate Research Executive at company.

I hereby attached my Curriculum Vitae (CV) along with my cover letter so that required; information regarding my educational background can be assessed against the requirement of this job.

Thank you for your time, here is my contact number (222)-28-234 and email; (abc@domain.com). I am looking forward to hear from you.

Thanks and Regards


Curriculum Vitae (CV)

General Information

Name- Andrea Szaszi

Address- Colliers Wood South London

D.O.B:- 13/03/1986

Contact no.- (222)-28-234

Email id- abc@domain.com

Career objective- My aim is to get successful in the field of my interest by presenting my skills or competencies in best possible manner toward accomplishment of organisational goals with my personal objectives.

Educational Background:-

Italian Course at I.D.M March 2017 - May 2017

Certificate of Higher Education in Tourism Sept 2001 - June 2005 - Traian Vuia College - Oradea.;

Work Experience: Experienced

July 2017 - Present French Connection House of Fraser

Post:- Sales assistant

Roles & Responsibilities

Maintains the record related with the sales performed.

Provide recommendation, select and help in obtaining merchandise as per customer need and desire.

Describe merchandise and explain team about the operation and care of merchandise to customers.

Welcoming customers and ascertain actual need of customers.

June 2013-June 2017 Integer Document Management

Position: Data Entry Manager

IDM - Italian Company based In Romania

Roles & Responsibilities

Presenting data entry for different departments

Assisting departments with general administrative support

Managing data base for the company

Sept 2011-April 2013 Terranova (Retail)

Position: Sales Assistant

Roles & Responsibilities

Opening and closing the cash registers

Performing tasks like counting money, separating charge slips, coupons and vouchers.

Managing knowledge of current sales and promotions, policies regarding the exchanges and payments.

August 2008-August 2011 Roza Oro Collection (Jewellery shop)

Position: Cashier/Sales Supervisor

Roles & Responsibilities

Arranging display over window and show cabinets

Customer services

Using It system for managing customer accounts and controlling stock


  • English - Intermediate
  • Romanian - Native
  • Italian - Intermediate
  • Hungarian - Intermediate
  • Spanish - Basic

Computer proficiency;

  • MS PowerPoint
  • MS Word
  • MS Excel
  • HTML
  • SAS
  • Internet Explorer

Skills and abilities

  • Quick learner and self motivated
  • Good at team working and management
  • Having good logical abilities and critical thinking
  • Strong observatory capability
  • Good communication skills verbal and non-verbal
  • Adaptive to changing environment as well as emerging technologies and trends.
  • Good at problem solving related with critical situation.

Technical Knowledge:

  • Taxation
  • In-depth knowledge of Company Law, Securities Law and Labour Law

Other basic information

  • Hobbies: Basket ball, Hiking, Reading books, Listening music, exploring new things.
  • Natural Abilities
    • Driven and energetic
    • Sense of urgency
    • Competitive nature
    • Data Entry specific programmes
    • Driver licence - B


I hereby declare that information disclosed by me above are all true as per my knowledge and understanding. All the certificates mentioned are being issued by recognized board/university and are achieved by me. I am able to provide all these documents whenever required.



Why Do You Want to Work For Us?

Ipsos MORI is one of the largest market research company with in UK which get formed by; the merger of Ipsos UK and MORI. It perform survey over larger number of organisation as well as other market research engine. It is an organisation who have higher corporate reputation and stake in marketplace throughout the world. In addition to this it is also operates its business in around 89 countries and consider as one of the largest survey company in world which is one of the greatest opportunity for me to work with such a repute organisation that help me in personal as well as professional development. Despite of this, Ipsos MORI also put more emphasis over effective management of human resources in term of both staff as well s corporate clients by formulating effective policies toward promoting the welfare of employees at workplace. It also focuses toward developing a healthy environment for staff members so that they can perform operations in more productive manner which support this organisation in achieving success in near future. These all things reflect that the company work toward effective management of internal employees so that they can manage and satisfy the external stakeholders or the organisation's client. I am searching for an organisation which support me in exploring my field of interest and be able to develop my skills or competencies. I posses good analytical skills that are consider to be most crucial for performing an investigation effectively. Despite of this I am experience in sales field which is consider to be most complicated job as decision are taken after evaluating several thinks. In addition to this I also have an experience in data entry and analytics. These all support me in conducting the investigation and evaluating the data in more effective manner which proves to be a complimentary skills along with researcher skills for me while performing task for the Ipsos MORI. In addition to this it will provide me an environment to grow and learn new things along with developing my successful career.

Tell us About a Time You Worked in a Group to Achieve an Objective

(What Did You Do And What Was The Outcome?)

In my current job of sale assistant I have to work toward managing the merchandise and explaining sales team about the activities they have to perform. There was a situation when merchandise are being changes by the employer in order to deal with the decrease in sales of French Connection. At that time the crowd to the store suddenly get increased and the demand of consumer also get increased among the consumers. As a result of which it become; harder for the sales team to manage the work, but if these things get ignored at that time then it may result into sever loss to the organisation and may affect its profitability. So at that we are assigned with the sales target by forming up a team by the sales manager and I was the leaders of team. In order to deal with this situation I divided the work among the team mates and set up certain guidelines to work in order to provide satisfactory services to the consumers with an aim to recall the sales.

I asked each sales persons to regularly maintain they record in term of sale which then I observe in order to predict the demand as well as next expected requirement of merchandise so that orders can be already remain in the stock when customer arrive to the store. In addition to this, after closing of store I use to direct the staff members regarding the presentation of merchandise so that highly demanded dresses easily catch attention of customers which support in enhancing sale as well as also support in reducing time spend by consumers in search of product with their choice.

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Tell us About a Time When You Identified a New Approach To Solve a Problem.

(What Did You do and What Was The Outcome?)

When I use to work as a data entry manager, I assigned with the work where I have to manage and combine the data which is gathered after performing survey over 100 people; who gave their opinion regarding the quality of services for company. After combining and presentation of data will be then presented in front of my seniors within a week for further actions to be taken in term of improvising the services. As the data contains numerics I required to present the information in non-technical form so that it can be easily understood by the group members. For this I performed a detailed study about the survey presented and try to arrange data in organised manner and then aid the data by making use of bar graph, pie chart, histogram so that data can be easily analysed by the interpretor without putting much efforts. After presenting this work they appreciated me and congratulate me for implementing the difficult task in such an effective manner and wished me good luck for my future work.

Tell us About a Time When You Had to Manage a Number of Different Priorities and Complete a Number of Tasks in a Short Amount of Time.

(What Did You do and What Was The Outcome?)

While my college period I was assigned with a project to study and present information over MNC in UK along with their working pattern. Along with this I have assigned with some improvement over my previous project and apart from this I also have to prepare for my exam that are about to organised after three weeks. These 3 tasks are urgent which make it more difficult for me to prioritise the work; Thus, I made a plan to determine the time required by each task and their superiority in term of execution.

After determining time I decided to firstly complete the old project where I require to make modification. In next order I decided to complete the project assigned to me and after completing the project I will started studying for my examination. In this manner I prioritise my project and become successful in completing task within set time frame.

Tell us About a Project You Worked on That Required You to Persuade Others to Your Point of View.

(What Did You do and What Was The Outcome?)

In the beginning of job as a sale assistance at French Connection, I have to work with the team of sales representative and ensure their working to be performed as planned by the sales manager. While working with them I have analysed that there is not any arrangement of merchandise which is attractive or gain attention of people quickly. As they use to display only those design that have high sales history but as these designs get common so customers do not choose to purchase them.

So I suggested them that their must be regular rotation of merchandise which is to be highlighted over dummy or in front of line as when regularly new merchandise get presented in front of consumers they like to revisit again and again. After listening to this idea they get agreed with it and my manager appreciated me for this idea. In this manner I get successful in persuading them to perform work as per my view.


During my college days, there was a seminar organised by out teachers in order to provide us guidance over career growth. For this large number of professionals are being called from various background in order to share their experience during the time of interview. These spokespersons who came from several universities and professions gave lecture in seminar where they provided with few essential points to be consider:

  • It is crucial for an individual to carry their all kind of certificates and documentations with themselves that are related with working experience and educational background.
  • In order to leave a good impression over interviewer, individual must focus over its gesture and body movements.
  • While speaking or presenting something there must be not remain any sign of low confidence or nervousness.
  • A student must reach before time at the interview place an hour before in order to show punctuality and dedication top the interviewer.


While my college period, I attend a seminar which is about guiding the students about things and behaviour to be consider while interview. After that another seminar was organised next day for having a discussion over assessment centre. The major things learnt from seminar were-

  • While going through testy at assessment centre, an individual must stay confident and motivated in order to demonstrate the given task in effective manner.
  • An individual must also posses an adaptive and spontaneous approach toward the assessment of task so that I can perform the task as soon as it is assigned to me.

Also read: Managing People and Careers Portfolio 

Additional, one should make use of formal language while conversation in order to convey the views and opinion in more efficient manner and leave with a positive impression. Get more details about assignment writing services from our experts.


  • Thompson, C. and Gregory, J. B., 2012. Managing millennials: A framework for improving attraction, motivation, and retention.;The Psychologist-Manager Journal. 15(4). pp.237-246.
  • Al Ariss, A., Cascio, W. F. and Paauwe, J., 2014. Talent management: Current theories and future research directions.;Journal of World Business.;49(2). pp.173-179.
  • Savickas, M. L. and Porfeli, E. J., 2012. Career Adapt-Abilities Scale: Construction, reliability, and measurement equivalence across 13 countries.;Journal of vocational behavior.;80(3). pp.661-673.
  • Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W. and Farndale, E. eds., 2012.;Handbook of research on comparative human resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Parker, J. and Crona, B., 2012. On being all things to all people: Boundary organizations and the contemporary research university.;Social Studies of Science.;42(2). pp.262-289.
  • Youtie, J. and et. al., 2013. Career-based influences on scientific recognition in the United States and Europe: Longitudinal evidence from curriculum vitae data.;Research Policy.;42(8). pp.1341-1355.
  • Pennington, R., Delano, M. and Scott, R., 2014. Improving coverletter writing skills of individuals with intellectual disabilities.;Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.;47(1). pp.204-208.
  • Lee, Y. and et. al., 2016. Work engagement and career: proposing research agendas through a review of literature.;Human Resource Development Review.;15(1). pp.29-54.
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